


Taking Agri-Inject® fluid injection
technology to the very edge!

Why treat the entire field for migrating insects when all you need to do is protect your borders? With BoundaryRider® from Agri-Inject®, you can save money and labor — while keeping your crop safer from unwanted intruders.

Until now, fluid injection (chemigation) in irrigation has been “static” at the pivot point or well head. BoundaryRider® from Agri-Inject takes fluid injection to the edge of your fields to significantly improve accuracy, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Key Features

10 gallon

tank capacity

Complete and consistent application

of pesticides along edge of field and vulnerable pivot corners

The common-sense design

is portable and easy to handle and calibrate. Fully drainable tank ensures maximum use of chemical/product. Flushing assembly allows easy and complete cleaning with water.

Cost savings

from only treating those acres that need it

Made with durable, chemical resistant, high-impact plastic components.

Weather and UV resistant. Can stand up to the bumpy, wet and messy environment under a pivot system.

No dilution or mixing -

the BoundaryRider® is designed to pump concentrated chemical with no dilution or mixing required.

Extremely accurate

metering pump

Can be used for additional applications

that protect the perimeter of your high-value crop. Ask your dealer for details.

286 million

286 million harmful crop insects controlled each growing season


80% reduction in pesticide use by only treating the perimeter protection zone

Deliver water-enhancement products with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Acres on the edge of a field, especially those under an end gun, typically are subject to inconsistent irrigation. Additionally, many irrigation schedules are set up to keep the driest point in the field wet—and that means greater inefficiency and cost.

Water amendments such as polymers, wetting agents and soil conditioners are intended to “make the water work better”—and optimize chemical application, water utilization and yield potential on these boundary acres.

BoundaryRider® is the perfect strategy for precisely and accurately delivering water-enhancement products on these few “under-served” acres. You can help improve crop health and vitality while improving the efficiency of your irrigation schedule.

How the BoundaryRider® Works

BoundaryRider® system attaches to the base beam of an exterior pivot tower (usually the next-to-last) with a double clamp assembly.

Quill on patented Mister Mist’r® injection valve* inserts into “weld-o-let” on pivot pipe.

System wires into the tower box, powered by 110 VAC control circuit of the irrigation system. Will safely and automatically shut down if pivot loses power or shuts off.

Product to be applied goes into fully drainable tank (usually 10 gallon tank). Product is applied “neat” with no dilution or pre-mixing required.

Calibration assembly provides precise and accurate injection of product into the overhead water pipeline. Large 800:1 turndown ratio provides accuracy across a wide range.

System can handle more viscous materials thanks to design of the wetted process parts and the ability of the pump to control the speed of the injection stroke.

What our clients say...

“With the use of an Agri-Inject pump, we’re able to put 32 percent nitrogen on the crop through our center pivot irrigation. Not only does this save on nitrogen… but we save on labor, fuel costs and machine depreciation. It’s worked so well that I’m planning to buy a second Agri-Inject unit for this coming year.”

Hunter Hooper,

Brownsville, Tennesee

Locate a Dealer!

Agri-Inject products are distributed globally through an authorized dealer network. Each dealer has a solid reputation for responsive service and technical support. When you’re irrigating, you can’t afford to wait for answers. You’ll find the support you need from Agri-Inject is just around the corner.