


Apply precisely the right amount of liquid in precisely the right place

Agri-Inject’s innovative Micro-Tube® System allows you apply precisely the right amount of liquid in precisely the right place. It’s ideal for use on wheat drills, planters, cultivators and tillage equipment.

Precise placement is key in today’s farming. With the Micro-Tube® System from Agri-Inject®, you can accurately place precise amounts of fertilizer and crop protection products into the furrow or soil during tilling, planting or cultivating.

The key to our Micro-Tube® System is controlled product flow thanks to our great pumps, patented manifolds and patented network of precision-sized tubing.

The cab-mounted controller lets you monitor and adjust the flow rate—on the fly! You can also incorporate a third party multiple rate control system.


Key Features

Uniformity and accuracy – Pumps a uniform stream of fluid through a network of precision tubing to deliver exact amounts at exactly the right place.

Patented engineering – Our manifold system is unlike any other in evenly dispersing and applying liquid throughout the tube system.

No drift – Fluid is placed directly into the furrow or soil to reduce and eliminate drift.

Increased safety – No nozzles or orifices to adjust or unclog, reducing exposure to products.

Versatile – System adjusts to liquids of various viscosities – and can even apply more than one product at once.

Custom Configuration – Each system is tailored for the individual implement. Just provide the specifics of your equipment and needs and we’ll custom designs a system for your needs.

Ease of Use – Just fill the supply tanks, start the system and begin planting, cultivating or tilling

Locate a Dealer!

Agri-Inject products are distributed globally through an authorized dealer network. Each dealer has a solid reputation for responsive service and technical support. When you’re irrigating, you can’t afford to wait for answers. You’ll find the support you need from Agri-Inject is just around the corner.

Locate a Dealer!

Agri-Inject products are distributed globally through an authorized dealer network. Each dealer has a solid reputation for responsive service and technical support. When you’re irrigating, you can’t afford to wait for answers. You’ll find the support you need from Agri-Inject is just around the corner.