
Kyle Spilker

DeWitt, Nebraska

Confidence in the Process; Comfort with the Technology

Kyle Spilker raises corn and soybeans on 500 acres of 95% pivot irrigated land in Nebraska.

Prior to using an Agri-Inject system, Kyle had trouble gauging exactly how much product was being applied to his fields at any given time. Without visibility to the process, it’s difficult to know that each part of the field — especially at the corners — was getting a proper dose, or that the dose was uniformly spread across the crops.

This leads to increased labor, wasted product, less effective fertilization, and less-than-complete coverage for insecticides and fungicides.

Adding the ReflexCONNECT™

Using the ReflexCONNECT, Kyle is now able to set the application process in motion, and then move on to other things — with the comfort of knowing that the system is doing exactly what it’s supposed to be doing.

“We don’t have to come and babysit it every half hour or every hour. If we’re curious what it’s done, we can go to the office and look on the computer. If we set it for 41 gallons per hour, it’s usually putting on 41 gallons per hour. The ReflexCONNECT has a flow meter on it, and it is very accurate.”

ReflexCONNECT is a revolutionary system from Agri-Inject that provides precision in the face of a variety of climate conditions, chemical viscosities, and soils and topographies. Its cutting-edge technology makes the fertigation and chemigation process easier. But for some, thinking about having to learn additional technology can seem overwhelming. After working through the process 1-2 times, however, growers discover that it is a very intuitive process. And there’s always Agri-Inject’s world-class customer support to work through the kinks the first couple of times.

“I really haven’t had any trouble with it. But if something goes wrong, it’s usually me not knowing how the product works. So I call in to tech support and they’ve been very good about explaining how it works and what I need to do. And they don’t cut you short. They’ll spend as much time on the phone with you as you need to understand it.”